Federazione Nazionale Fioristi (Federfiori)

Federazione Nazionale Fioristi (Federfiori) is the National Federation of Italian florists, dedicated to promoting their interests both in Italy and the EU.

Federazione Nazionale Fioristi (Federfiori) is the National Federation of Italian florists. Its primary concern is to defend and protect the rights and interests of their members both in Italy and the EU. This includes combating the illegal trade of flowers and plants, unfair competition, the proliferation of unregulated sales to charities of floriculture products, the excessive tax burden and all that unfairly harms and diverts resources to florists.

Federfiori also organizes events and competitions of floral art in Italy and around the world. Its school of art and floral technique offers training courses for florists at all levels, focusing on training in techniques of floral composition, color theory, botany and marketing. 

Federfiori is a member of Florint.



C.SO Vittorio Emanuele II, 74 
27029 Vigevano PV 

TEL. 0381/70800 - 70811 

FAX 0381/72110

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