FloristWare Version 1.9

The most powerful and easy-to-use POS system for retail florists gets even more powerful and even simpler to use.

FloristWare v1.9 introduces a powerful new "Help" system (making our system even easier to use) and an unprecedented degree of printer automation.

We're especially proud of the help system. One of the unique things about FloristWare is of course the fact that support is included free of charge to our clients but our goal has always bee a system that is so easy to use support isn't even needed. Our improved help system - built in to the software - gets us much closer to that.

The printer automation is also very exciting - nobody has done it before and it means you spend less money on paper and forms while giving your customers better looking documents.

New Features & Improvements in FloristWare v1.9

For more details on specific improvements to this version of FloristWare juck click below.

A new "mouse over" component to the built-in help system allows even the newest, most inexperienced and computer illiterate user to perform even complicated tasks with confidence. If you aren't sure about what clicking a certain button will do, simply hold the cursor over it and a window containing detailed instructions will pop up. You can also get detailed instructions when looking at reports - simply hold the cursor over a column header to get a detailed explanation of the information that is contained in that row. In all more than 8,000 of these help windows were added to the existing 100,000 word help system.

FloristWare now gives you more control over your printers and paper sources, allowing you to specify what jobs (reports, receipts, invoices, enclosure cards, etc.) print from which printer and which paper source (drawers or trays).

At the request of the accountants and bookkeepers of some of our users FloristWare now makes it easier to write off outstanding invoices and balances, and to erase small credit balances.

The Payment Transactions Report has been enhanced significantly making is easier to understand and more helpful.